Doesn't Anyone Else Get Cranky or Tired?

As I'm writing this, it's early on a Saturday morning and my daughter has been up since 6am.  She's an early-riser and always has been.  During week days, this is perfect because I don't have the difficulty of waking her and rushing her through a routine before dashing out the door.  But on the weekend, man, I would like to sleep in just once. That and she's already placing the demands of breakfast, toys, and what YouTube videos she wants to watch.  This is just one minor sacrifice of being a parent, I get it.  And am I complaining a little?  Yes.  Definitely.  I read blog after blog and I mostly see how everyone else seems to be doing life a little differently that I am.  Sure, parenting for the most part is fun, but the other parts give me PTSD sometimes.  I get little sleep and I never know just exactly what is going to piss my toddler off.  For example:

My child is so punk rock

 Now, I know that people don't like reading stuff that's "Debbie Downer", especially when it's first world problems.  But today I do this just to ask:  Doesn't anyone else get cranky or tired?!

Here's a glimpse of what motherhood looks like on me some days:

I'm sleep-deprived, 'me time' deprived, un-showered, and makeup is not even on the radar.  I'm very patient with my daughter, much more than I would EVER have thought, but on the inside, I get pretty frayed.  When you have the house, the job, the bills, the cleaning, the organizing, everything that it takes to keep your head above water, sometimes I get pretty short with those that I love.  I can't even imagine what single moms or military moms go through.  I at least have a partner that can help out sometimes but he's gone a LOT.  In fact, most weekends I fly completely solo.  Life doesn't have to be  a constant party but there are some days I think to myself, "Geez, Amanda.  You're not very fun anymore."  Or interesting.  I mean, I go into diatribes now about things like eczema, colonoscopies, why too much screen time is harmful to all of us, and laundry soap.  *yawn*

But motherhood also looks like this:

 Ok, in full disclosure, she hated the beach and she has been known to rub dark blue eye shadow on the walls.  But sweet moments occur, too.  Now, by the 2nd hour of playing My Little Ponies and play-doh, I'm screaming on the inside, but I'll miss it when it doesn't happen anymore.  And until then, I will probably continue to be cranky and tired.

Be well!

