Weekend Wrap Up: February 19th

How did this happen?  HOW is it Monday again?!  Don't get me wrong; I actually do love my job.  I just hate getting dressed every morning.  Part of it is that I'm sick of my winter clothes and I have gained weight in the past 2 years so I hate them this year even more.  The other part is that I'm just lazy.  If I could live in yoga pants and tank tops, I would.  Anyway, back to the grind I go.  Here's a peek at what we did this weekend.  I'll give you a hint:  Not much.

Friday Night:  Nothing.  Nada. We watched a little bit of 'Trolls' for the billionth time then called it an early night.  Which is good because, as indicated in my previous post, we were up early Saturday.  Thank goodness for coffee.

Saturday:  The weather here was cold and just gross.  Since we were up before the roosters crowed, we cleaned; well, I cleaned and this is what I faced in the kitchen...

 I'm not sure how the baby got there and I don't want to know why but she was thoroughly cleaned with bleach.  I try to not let the dishes pile up but sometimes I like to see just how bad they can get before Josh will decide on his own to clean them himself.  Apparently this week, they were going to have to get pretty bad.  I cleaned them then gave him the silent treatment like a mature adult does.
 Afterward we headed to:


Now, this place is a lot of people's version of their own personal hell, especially on a Saturday.  But for me, it's perfect.  Pizza is our favorite food, we can actually sit down to eat, and if she's super obnoxious, IT DOESN'T MATTER!  She can rip and romp and whine and just be a total brat but it doesn't matter.  Every other kid is doing the same thing and a lot of them are even worse. Lots of hand sanitizer was used and lots of fun was had.  AND...we only spent $22.  Score.  I also would like to note that I feel like I deserve a medal for taking her by myself.  Or maybe I need to be publicly shamed because I didn't think ahead about the logistics of chasing a toddler while holding all of our belongings and leftover pizza.  You live and you learn.

Sunday:  Once again, up at the crack of dawn.  I drank copious amounts of coffee then headed to the basement for laundry and organizing.  We moved to a new-to-us house a few months back and it's a fixer-upper to say the least.  The basement is awesome but we have a TON of stuff to go through and purge.  I was going through my old therapy tools and I came across these gems:

In the population I served in my previous life, death and the disruption of homes happened often, sadly.  I cannot convey just how bad the drug epidemic is.  Nearly every child and adolescent I have ever treated has been impacted by it...mostly by losing loved ones to death and/ or removal from the home.  I know, can I just not mention something negative?

We were headed to the mall for the play area when we discovered it was LOVELY outside, so we hit up a park instead.

She requested a picnic then we played on the playground and splashed in muddy puddles (the one thing Peppa Pig does that I'm not too fond of but you're only a child once).  We met a sweet little girl and had so much fun sharing Goldfish and playing ball until a gaggle of about 8 unsupervised little boys stormed the playground like gangbusters.  All was good until I heard some choice language ("Ess My D, {insert a word NO ONE should be using}) AND one of the younger ones, smaller than my daughter, came up to her, threw a stick and said, "Shut up", unprovoked.  While I stood there. The oldest one couldn't have been more than 11.  So, I told them to watch themselves or I was going to go find their mama.  GRRRR!!!  I'll go on a rant about that another day because, all-in-all, we had a great time and needed that sunshine.
I hope this finds you doing well and sending good mojo to get your week started.
Be well!
