How I Take Care of Myself

It's Valentine's Day and I'm doing another link-up:

Today's topic is how we take care of ourselves.  I'll admit that I'm not the best at it.  I have a daily checklist of all the things I have to do in order to keep this house running like a fine-tuned machine. Ok, so maybe it runs like a machine with a little rust and some years on it but we're all clean(-ish), fed, and clothed (and breathing) so we're winning at life somewhat.  With that being said, I often neglect my own needs just so I can get that daily checklist completed.  I do have a few things I consider necessities that I have to incorporate frequently to stay sane.  It's pretty boring and typical stuff but, hey.  That's what I am.  I AM the very definition of basic so here we go:

1.  Sleep
I almost always get 7 hours at the very least.  I simply cannot function and my anxiety is awful if I don't get my sleep.  Those who say you can sleep when you're dead irritate me.  I loooooove sleep.  Oh, I love it.

2.  Drinking enough water 
Pregnancy caused blood pressure issues with me that did not resolve once the little nugget was born.  I am on a medication that also contains a diuretic so if I don't have enough water, ohmygoodness...I can tell.  I feel like absolute poo so I am constantly drinking plain ice water so I can feel like a million bucks. 

3.  Morning meditation 
Waking up 1.5 hours before my family does is an essential every day.  I love the quiet.  I listen to NPR, drink coffee, catch up on news, stalk people I don't know on Instagram and feel envious of their life, or I might say a little mantra to help set my day.  It's just so relaxing and really is the highlight of my day.

4.  Replay my own version of Bad Moms 

Not really but I do like to meet up with friends from time-to-time.  It might be dinner, an afternoon of wine and conversation at my dinner table, or sitting on someone's porch.  Sometimes you just have to get a break for a few hours.  Don't feel guilty about it.  Just do it. You won't be sorry.

5.  Watch TV 
Look, I rarely get to sit down and when I do, I like to watch really crappy TV.  I'm talking 'The Bachelor' and pretty much anything Bravo puts its hands on.  Thoughtless garbage.  You name it, I watch it.  I'm also a sucker for 'Forensic Files' or any other 'death show', as Josh calls it.

6.  Keep It Simple
I'm an introvert. I require a LOT of recharge time so I keep my schedule pretty simple.  I don't jam-pack our weeks and weekends with tons of activities.  I find various fun things to do and choose a few to sprinkle throughout the month.  We still have plenty of fun but it's not an overwhelming and exhausting race trying to get from one thing to the next. I work out of the home full time and I already feel like a hamster in a wheel for the majority of my week.  I am more than ok with saying 'no' if something is going to add additional unnecessary stress.

Well, I hope you and yours are having a wonderful week so far.  Remember, take time for yourself.  You're worth it!

Be well!
