How We Wednesdays...Except It's Thursday

We're having a snow day here in Kentucky so I'm able to catch up on some blogging and that includes participating in a Wednesday link-up on a Thursday!  Better late than never!

Last month was Self-Care and this month is Mom Failing...and living to tell the tale.
Oh, the topic of Mom Fail.  Some days, I do it HARD CORE.  I'm hyperactive AND I struggle with depression, particularly during the winter. That combination sometimes works against me in major ways. Let's be honest:  I've been a chaotic mess my entire life BUT I've been a little too good at the ol' mom-fail in the past month.  Here are some of my confessions:

  • My daughter's screen time has definitely NOT been an hour a day.
  • Pizza and/or chicken nuggets have been in the dinner rotation a lot lately.
  • Oatmeal has, too.
  • I forgot to complete valentines for her 'party'.  Luckily, she's 3 and no one can read yet, so no one knows who skipped the cards this year.  Work was really hectic at that time and, well, I spaced.  No excuse.
  • I took my kiddo to a play group at the library.  She was already being a little moody squirt but when it was time to leave, she pitched a crazy fit.  She was screaming, trying to unbuckle herself out of her stroller as we walked home, throwing shoes, socks, etc.  I just picked them up then kept pushing the stroller wheel barrow-style until she calmed down.  I got plenty of stares but I just smiled and said, "Good morning!" 
  • My daughter loves markers and, naturally, loves writing on herself.  Rather than fight the beast, I've compromised and I let her just write on her belly... because a shirt can cover it.  
  • I lie to my child.  Because I simply cannot tolerate ANOTHER episode of (you name it), I sometimes tell her it's not on right now.  We have so many conveniences that make parenting easy on us but, let me tell you, TV on-demand is a double-edged sword.  
  • I have had to ask my daughter things like, "Where did the curtain rod go?"...and she found it. Ugh...don't even ask about that one.
  • My daughter played with a whole box of panty liners and stuck them around the house calling them 'snowman stickers'.   
And there are probably at least 50 more fails I didn't list but I don't want anyone calling CPS on me.  Kidding.  Parenting is tough and we're only human.  I've been known to kill a cactus in my day so the fact I've kept a human alive for 3 years is nothing short of amazing.  Cheers and be well!



  1. I still remember when my daughter had a fit at music class and I had to carry her out screaming. Then I called my mom and cried about it.


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